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You searched for: SOCIAL CHANGE in SUBJECT

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Aglietta, Michel.
Capitalism at the Turn of the Century: Regulation Theory and the Challenge of Social Change.
Aoyama, Yuko, Manuel Castells.
Paths Towards the Informational Society: Employment Structure in g7 Countries, 1920-90.
Armstrong, Pat, Mary Cornish, Elizabeth Millar.
Pay Equity: Complexity and Contradiction in Legal Rights and Social Processes.
Avci, Gamze, Christopher McDonald.
Chipping Away at the Fortress: Unions, Immigration and the Transnational Labour Market.
Bagguley, Paul, Sylvia Walby.
Sex Segregation in Local Labour Markets.
Bieler, Andreas.
Globalization, Swedish Trade Unions and European Integration: From Europhobia to Conditional Support.
Bock, Bettina B., Sally Shorthall.
Rural Gender Relations: Issues and Case Studies (2006).
Browne, Jude.
Sex Segregation and Inequality in the Modern Labour Market.
Cameron, Jenny, J. K. Gibson-Graham.
Feminising the Economy: Metaphors, Strategies, Politics.
Clement, Wallace, Leah F. Vosko.
Changing Canada: Political Economy as Transformation.
Collins, Jane.
Redefining the Boundaries of Work: Apparel Workers and Community Unionism in the Global Economy.
Crompton, Rosemary, Fiona Harris.
Gender Relations and Employment: The Impact of Occupation.
De Lange, Willem.
Control of Working Time: Attuning Working Time to Organisational or Individual Needs.
Dei, George Sefa.
Integrative Anti-Racism: Intersections of Race, Class and Gender.
Drobnic, Sonja.
Ties Between Lives: Dynamics of Employment Patterns of Spouses.
Friendly, Martha.
Why Women Still Ain't Satisfied: Politics and Activism in Canadian Child Care, 2006.
Gindin, Sam, Jim Stanford.
Canadian Labour and the Political Economy of Transformation.
Harvey, David.
The Condition of Postmodernity: An Enquiry Into the Origins of Cultural Change.
Mendell, Marguerite.
Future of Work: Between Hope and Doubt: From a Regime of Employment to a Politics of Employment.
Mitchell, Katharyne.
Education For Democratic Citizenship: Transnationalism, Multiculturalism and the Limits of Liberalism.

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